Often in this blog you will see me refer to Route 1. For those of you out of state, Route 1 is *THE* major highway here in Delaware: The Land of No Sales Tax (I'm trying to get them to make that the state motto, but it hasn't been quite so effective). While the point of Route 1 is to be able to go north to Wilmington or I-95 or go south to the beaches, there is constant construction. Constant. It all seems timed around whenever the hell you have to get somewhere, and it can be frustrating (to be more accurate, add a word or two that you can't say on TV. Then multiply it times a million).
When we No-Sales-Taxians (it will catch on!) drive that way, there's inevitably some sort of delay. It might be construction, texting drivers, or "Oh No There Are Flurries So I Can't Remember How To Drive" Syndrome (seems to be an epidemic these days). So, what do we do? Sometimes we have to take another route in order to get where we need to be, and while it can seem like a step backwards, it's not. There's no such thing as two steps forward and one step back; it's still three steps forward. It's getting us where we want to be even if our compass tells us that we're going the wrong way.
When we No-Sales-Taxians (it will catch on!) drive that way, there's inevitably some sort of delay. It might be construction, texting drivers, or "Oh No There Are Flurries So I Can't Remember How To Drive" Syndrome (seems to be an epidemic these days). So, what do we do? Sometimes we have to take another route in order to get where we need to be, and while it can seem like a step backwards, it's not. There's no such thing as two steps forward and one step back; it's still three steps forward. It's getting us where we want to be even if our compass tells us that we're going the wrong way.